Friday, July 24, 2009

You ask, I deliver...because I'm good like that

Recently, a dear friend pointed out that I had not shared many pictures of my sweet new boy. I told her I would get on that and refrained from pointing out that she had not shared pictures of her sweet, slightly older baby boy either....not that I'm counting the days since the last picture (23 days if you're curious).

Anyway, here are some pictures of Moose for your viewing pleasure...

This is Moose at his very first baseball game...he was super interested in watching Noodle play ball.

The next two are of Moose's first bath...not so fond of it...much like Itchy and Scratchy were.

Here is another picture of all our "brats". Moose was a novelty...not so much now, the twins just think he's in the way a lot.
That's all for now...Moose is hollering for his mid-morning snack.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our new neighbor

Life in the military has its share of ups and downs. One of them being moving all the time. We live in military housing here at good ol' Ft. Lost in the Woods so all of our neighbors are also military. Moving trucks are a common occurrence and it's no big deal to see two or more in the neighborhood on the same day. New neighbors are a given in our life, and they run the range from nosey to friendly to nasty to down right stand-offish. Our newest neighbor seems to flex between nosey (or maybe just really curious) to stand-offish. Check him (or her, we're not sure) out.

He lives in the trees behind our house and often spends his evenings perched on the powerlines that run back there. He seems very curious about us when we choose to hang out on the back patio. I think it disturbs him that Mr. Smartypants was cooking his cousin, the chicken, the other night.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wow, It's been a while

Okay, so it's been a while since I've posted anything consistently. I'm gonna try to do better (yes, I'm aware I've said that before...I'm trying, cut me some slack). I have several ideas for some upcoming posts so I have material. Before I get to the really boring pointless stuff I'll do an update on the Herd's recent activities...

Noodle is in Texas at Granny and Granddaddy's house cruising his new go-kart courtesy of Granddaddy. If I only had pictures to share with you. This of course means the twins are back from their adventures with Granny and Granddaddy and Mimi and David. So life has somewhat returned to normal around here. My living room is always a mess and I never have enough hours in my day to get all my housework done. I'm too busy yelling at the twins to quit coloring on the walls. Moose is growing like a weed. All the boy does is eat and then he'll eat some more. I'm often tied to the chair for two hours at a time. I'm curious to see what he will weigh at his 2 month check-up. He was already 9 lbs 7 oz at the two week check up. Mr. Smartypants finishes up this 8-week session of college this week with two finals so he's been busy with his nose buried in his math book for several days. I'll get my husband back on Thursday when he finishes his last final. He'll be all mine (and Uncle Sam's of course) for a week or two before the next session starts.
Moose has been quite the celebrity since deciding to show up. We've had all kinds of visitors. Of course, there was the visit by Granny and Aunt Mistie, Mimi and David also came to see him. One of the most exciting visits was a visit from my one of my college roommates and another friend. They drove all the way in from Houston to hang with us for the 4th of July weekend. Unfortunately, middle of nowhere Missouri isn't all that exciting. We did manage to get in some fireworks with Debra and Brandy and the K family (another army family with small children). The pictures are pretty crappy but I was too busy having fun to worry about the quality of my pictures.

Mr. Smartypants actually had the day off.
Noodle and the K's oldest daughter played together before the sun set while we were getting our fireworks-viewing station all set up.
Moose enjoyed his first 4th of July. He's all of a whopping 9 days old here.

The K's are a hysterically funny pair...and they love self portraits. They must, because there were 4 other able bodied adults who could have done this for them...

Debra and Brandy settle in with the rest of us crazy people to watch the 'works.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ummm...I really have nothing to say....

Okay, so I haven't posted in almost two weeks, but really, there isn't much to post about. The twins are in Texas visiting the Grandparents and life has been pretty quiet around our house without our source of entertainment. We did have house guests over 4th of July and I have a couple of crappy pictures that I will post later. I was too busy enjoying their company to take pictures. I go through phases like that. I would rather enjoy the moment than take pictures of it. Then I regret it later, because really, you need a picture to continue to enjoy the moments, right??? Moose is eating and sleeping like a champ. God knew that my hands were full with the twins and I had paid my dues with the chaos of the twins. Moose is only two weeks old but sleeps 5 hours at a time at night. I usually feed him around 11 or midnight and we get up when Daddy goes to work at 430 or so. Then we go back to bed of course, but I can live with 5 hours of sleep and not be a monster so we're all good here.
Noodle has been enjoying his little brother and frequently wants to hold him or help me out. He still yells, "GROSS!!!" and runs the other way when there is a dirty diaper, but he'll give us a hand any other time.

Granny and Aunt Misti were here to greet Moose when he arrived. Then they saved me by taking the twins to Texas.