Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yummy yummy for my tummy

Okay, so I love to cook, but what I really love is discovering something yummy that is super easy to do and easy on the wallet. The following recipe was in my Protestant Women of the Chapel (army wife Bible study group) monthly newsletter in February. It came highly recommended from another mother who also digs the easy.

4 chicken breasts (when I first made this, I only had chicken thighs...they work too)
1 cup of salsa (we like it hot at the Hawthorne house, I just dumped in a bunch of Pace)
1 package of taco seasoning (yeah, didn't have that either, used fajita seasoning...yummy)
1 can of cream of mushroom (everyone be shocked...I actually had this ingredient)
1/2 cup sour cream (forgot this the first time...still good)

Put the chicken in a crock pot and cover in taco seasoning. Add salsa and soup. Cook on high for 4-6 hours. 10 minutes before serving, stir in sour cream. Serve over rice. (I prefer serving with tortillas...again...yummy)

Can you tell this recipe is almost screw-up proof??

The hubby seriously digs this. Even the kids like it. I am currently making a double batch for a pot luck for my hubby at work. Can't you tell I'm slaving away...blogging???

If you don't have time to wait 4-6 hours, this can be done in a dutch oven...warning...check your chicken to make sure it doesn't stick. I let it cook about 1.5 hours and it was done. Left it on longer and it was still yummy.

1 comment:

  1. You know me oh so well...Debra not having all the's a travesty. :o)

    I guess I'm just struggling with that idea as well.

    Sending tons of love to Missouri as well!

