Thursday, June 11, 2009

Week 39, failures of the public educaition system, and I surprise myself

Okay, so its week 39 and 2 days. I had another visit with my doctor yesterday and again NOTHING, NADA, ZERO, ZILCH. Should I even republish the conversation that we had, it is the same one we've been having for weeks now. "How are you feeling? fine Any pain? no. Okay, great, everything looks good, see you next week." Although this week he did mention that if I showed up for my appointment next week that we would start talking options for getting the baby out. My appointment next week is ON my due date. We'd better be talking options by then...or that doctor's gonna find himself with one really pissed-off pregnant woman on his hands...and we all know that would not be pretty. It could be worse than me with no Dr. Pepper for a week. *shudder* that's just an ugly thought.

On a completely different note...
I would like to think that my husband and I are smarter than the average bear couple. We're intelligent people, right? Well, Mr. Smartypants is enrolled in college while we are stuck, I mean stationed, here at Fort Lost in the Woods, I mean Fort Leonard Wood. He is taking an Algebra class. Now please remember that it has been something like 14 years since he was in high school so that would make his last Algebra class somewhere around 15-16 years ago. The ol' brain is a little rusty and has enough cobwebs in that sector to fill a haunted house. He opted to take a remedial Algebra class to oil the rust and clear the cobwebs before tackling College Algebra. He sat and worked on his homework last night, lamenting the entire time about how he should have paid more attention in school, and how bad he is at math. I nodded my head, knowing full well how frustrating it all is. I took math from coaches in high school. This is not to say that all coaches are crappy teachers or anything like that. Some are wonderful teachers. I'll just say my teacher/coach types didn't work for me. Now, my husband is a really smart dude and is stressing way too much about this, as he finished his homework in short order last night, but I will say this: We are all merely products of the public education system of (you fill in the blank here). Apparently, math is something that certain towns in New Mexico and Texas could use a little improvement on. (And apparently English too, as my language skills are so rusty by the looks of that last sentence that every English teacher I've ever had is wanting to die or hang their head in shame right now)

As for me and my husband's homework, should all know that I'm way too nosey and too much of a busy-body to leave well enough alone. And instead of sitting quitely on the sofa with my crochet (the cable was still out due to a nasty storm that rolled through), I had to go butt in where I really didn't belong. I started trying to help my husband with his homework. Now, after you guys all pick yourselves up off the floor from laughing so hard, I actually surprised myself. I remembered more than I expected to. Seriously. I sat and did half of his homework. Now, I didn't do it for, no. That would be academically dishonest and Mr. Smartypants is way too honest for that. Not to mention that I don't think he trusted that I did it right. I promptly tossed my homework in the trash. I did it more to prove to myself that I could than anything. And, frankly, I surprised myself.

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