So, in my last post I promised to write about whoever was insane enough to read my ramblings and be my 3000th hit. I have been reminded by my awesome (and I'm not being sarcastic, she really is!) mother-in-law that I made this promise and Mr. 3000 is still waiting on his post. So here it goes....
I'd like you to meet my friend/relative/step-uncle-in-law, Tom. It's complicated. I could try to explain it all to you, but, like most families, trying to line it all out for you would just confuse you. All you really need to know is that Tom is cool. I'd post a picture, but for some reason I can't find one of him in all of my files. Perhaps it is because he suffers from the same disease I do. You know, that one we like to call stuckbehindthecameraitis. See, Tom is an avid photographer...and a good one. He took engagement pictures for Mr. Smartypants and I. I tried to talk him into taking our wedding pictures too. He was and is (as far as I know) smart enough to avoid taking pictures for Bridezilla.....did I mention he's smart? He's also an active member of his local Citizen's Police Academy. But the thing that always brings Tom, and his sweet wife Kathy, to mind is their love of dogs. Especially these dogs:
This is a Kerry Blue Terrier. And like many dog breeds today, these beautiful creatures are being bred in puppy mills all over the United States. Tom and Kathy, along with many other volunteers, work tirelessly to rescue these dogs and find them homes where they will be loved and properly taken care of. So, in honor of Tom, my 3000th hit, I want to bring attention to Kerry Blue Terriers and rescue efforts of this breed and others. To find out more about Kerry Blue Terriers, click here. To find about puppy mills, rescue efforts and how you can help all breeds, click here, or here, or here. I ask you to think twice before buying a dog. NEVER buy a dog from a pet store, and always do your homework if you're considering a breeder. My best advice and honest opinion? You should just adopt one through a rescue organization. They'll match you up with your perfect pet. One that will move into your house and your heart permanently.
hi! sorry, i know this seems fairly random but how did you get that button to work on your blogger?! I cant seem to figure it out!